It's Too Much to Hope For

It's too much to hope for a life without pain,
It's wrong to expect a life without pain, 
For pain is our body's defense.
No matter how much we dislike it,
And nobody likes pain,
Pain is important,
And, For pain we should be grateful!

How else would we know,
To move our hand from the fire?
Our finger from the blade?
Our foot from the thorn?
So pain is important,
And for pain we should be grateful!

There's a type of pain that serves no purpose,
That's chronic pain,
It's that elite brand of pain that's not for defense.
It's an attacking force.
An attacker from within
A destroyer of personal happiness
An aggressive assailant on personal ability
A ceaseless invader of personal peace
A continuous harassment to life!

Chronic pain is the hardest hurdle for the mind to jump.
Sometimes it is almost impossible to jump,
Yet, we must keep trying,
And trying,
And trying,
Because if we don't it will destroy.

From this battle will come some good,
The satisfaction of overcoming pain.
The achievement of happiness and peace, of life in spite of it.
This is quite an achievement,
An achievement very special, very personal,
A feeling of strength
Of inner strength
Which has to be experienced to be understood.

So, we all have to accept pain,
Even sometimes destructive pain.
For it is part of the scheme of things,
And the mind can manage it,
And the mind will become stronger for the practice. 

This lovely insightful poem was written by Jonathan Wilson-Fuller when he was just nine years old. He suffers from an unusual condition that makes him allergic to the world we take for granted. He lives in an artificial sterile environment.

Whenever I am down and feel that I am running out of strength to deal with all the issues and problems crushing my life, I think of this poem. We are indeed made by the pain we overcome. If a nine-year old can 'get it', so can I. This poem is a constant reminder for need to understand and bridle my hope and desire with reality.

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